I have been involved in photography since about 1986. I still have a fondness for monochrome despite switching to digital imaging some years ago.. a late passion for darkroom lith printing influenced my digital direction considerably. The photo sucessionists of the late 19th century have been another strong influence. I gained my licentiateship of the RPS in 1994, my associateship in 1999 and my fellowship in 2006.
Key events have included joining Shillington and District Camera Club in 1986 where I came under the creative influence of Irene Froy; being giving darkroom printing equipment by a friend in 1988; meeting Hugh Millsom and seeing his delicate infrared pictures, and through Hugh joining Circle 11 of United Postal Portfolios. I am also a member of the Eyecon group. Both Circle 11 and Eyecon provide a source of inspiration and companionship, a compass in the ever-changing world of modern photography.
Other influences are Leigh Preston and Vic Attfield for their fine monochrome work, Roy Elwood for sheer craftsmanship and Dr Tim Rudman for his inspirational work in lith printing. Finally, joining Harpenden Photographic Society has brought me into contact with members of Harpenden Arts Club whose art prints are also proving a strong influence.